Email Piper

It's Time The Piper Pays You!

Introducing Email Piper
Delayed Autoresponder Service

Now you don't have to manually respond to
all those incoming emails related to your classified ads

-No downloads or installs needed!

Your First Week is Free!!
No credit card needed and no obligation to purchase
For More Details

Email Piper
He Works So You Don't Have To!

Email Piper™ pipes incoming emails to software that extracts the
email addresses and inserts them into a database. Then it sends a reply message
that you created after a certain amount of time. The delay can be
1 hour, 3 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours or 24 hours depending on your needs.

The benefits of delaying the email include;
The email appears to be replied by you personally. Regular email based free autoresponders send the response instantly which puts up a big red flag to the recipient that it is not from a real person and that it is more than likely spam.

When working with classified ads, keeping your ads up and running for at least the first couple hours is key to running a successful campaign. Using a 3 hour delay insures that your ad will stay up for those important first couple hours.

What Email Piper does

How it works

What people are saying about Email Piper

From: Josh Grant

I used to spend 3 hours a day manually replying to emails from my ads.
Now with The Email Piper, I can put those 3 hours to better use. I recouped the cost of the software in one day just in time saved.

From: Mike

I ditched my other autoresponder software which was costing me $20 per month and had lots of strict rules that I know were making me lose money.

Your First Week is Free!!
CLICK HERE to get started!!